Groupmentoring 3 brains feedback 9 hours Masterclass

Mentoring, leadership and coaching are the driving forces for faster cultural change. Are your mentors or coaches preparing for an ICF certification? Or do you want to become an even more powerful leader, team coach or chairperson? Join a 2-3 day masterclass. It introduces the neuroscience-based note-taking method: 1-page Navigator.

We have introduced a revolutionary note-taking method for 'conversation leaders' who want to create a safe space for participants. This method is based on neuroscience and supported by 'FollowTheClient® | Navigator', a one-page map. Our online Masteclass (in English) is designed to give you (leader, mentor, coach, consultant, teacher, chairperson) extra tools and knowledge for power and safety needed 'when it gets tough' in the coaching conversations. The goal is to support the coachee in finding the perfect questions so that the coachee can find their own perfect answers.


The Masterclass «The art & science of following your client, without losing yourself» teaches you to keep your client on the dancefloor especially when the magic of resistance shows up. Instead of exhausting yourself in difficult conversations, you learn how to keep the energy flowing and enjoying being a coach, making coaching a safe place for both coachee and coach.

The neuroscience-based 'FollowTheClient® | Navigator' is used in note-taking to assist you in holding a safe space for both yourself and the client. Knowing how the brain works makes it easier to ask the right questions at the right time. The Navigator supports following the client by taking some pressure off the coach by bridge the gap between our slower mental thinking systems and our faster body thinking systems. Your clients succeed in getting emotional ownership of key results.

Note-taking with the Navigator is according to how your brain and body thinking systems commonly cooperate and dance with each other during the coaching or meeting facilitation.

The online Masterclass is offered at various lenghts:

Cost 1-day class (3 hours): 2500 kroner NOK. no VAT

Cost 2-day class (2x3 hours): 4300 kroner NOK. no VAT

Cost 3-day class (3x3 hours): 6000 kroner NOK. no VAT

Introductory video

Click the link above for an introductory video for the new neuroscience-based note-taking method with the 1 page Navigator by Follow The Client®.

Listen to a podcast

Jan Georg Kristiansen is happy to share with you that he is being featured on The Global Campfire of Coaching, a podcast with a world-wide audience creating INSPIRATION, COMMUNITY and MASTERY with and for coaches!

Click the link above to listen.

Testemonials and references from MCC-certified coaches who were coached 6 hours by Jan Georg Kristiansen

Kathleen: "Jan demonstrates MCC Coaching at its best. He comes to the meeting as a learner, helping the client to uncover their own learning that best meets where they want to go.

Joanna: " I loved the visual and verbal feedback both during and after the session. I always got a copy of the coaching notes, complete with drawings and notes. I found it to be quite delightful! Additionally, Jan Georg is excellent at picking up nuances that hold answers I would have missed."

Read more.

Program overview with mentoring

Demonstrating how PCC and MCC level coaching and mentoring can be made easier, we introduce the worlds first neuroscience-based note taking tool, the 1 page 'FollowTheClient® | Navigator'. It allows you to follow your client and «dancing with your client» becomes easy in mentoring, coaching and teamcoaching as it is useful in all breakthrough meetings and negotiations you do as a consultant, leader or mentor. 

(9 hours synchronous learning)

DAY 1 Work-shop tools & knowledge (group & pairs) - 3 hours

  • Introduction to how mentor is giving feedback on the basics of 3 brains Follow The Client® applied neuroscience-based note taking tool the Navigator

  • Distinctions follow the client at ACC, PCC and MCC levels

  • Mentorcoaching of one PCC or MCC applicant 30 minutes coaching session

DAY 2 Mentor coaching (group & individual) - 3 hours

  • prepares you to pass ICF certification levels PCC or MCC
  • Mentorcoaching of two PCC or MCC applicant 30 minutes coaching sessions

DAY 3 Mentor coaching (group & individual) - 3 hours

  • prepares you to pass ICF certification levels PCC or MCC
  • Mentorcoaching of two PCC or MCC applicant 30 minutes coaching sessions

SELF STUDY In advance; study two 45 minutes videos. After; three weeks in small exercise groups (2+6 hours asyncronous learning)

Download 1-page flyer

Click the button to get your 1-page flyer:

Free reflection meeting

Let's talk if you have questions about the Masterclass or when you want to book coaching or mentoring hours on your path towards your coaching certifications (ICF ACC, PCC and MCC).